We Are God's Garden
I love getting a peek at Alma’s counsel to each of his sons, each different, each bearing testimony of divine truths. I feel his love for them!
I once heard that kids aren't really a lump of clay that you mold into whatever you want... they are more like seeds. But they don’t come inside a packet with a picture telling you exactly what they are and exactly what they need. It’s only as you care for them that you start to see what is growing— you start to see what you’ve gotten yourself into, ha! Then you cater to what that specific plant needs- some need more sun... some need certain soil... Nurture plays a lot into our personalities... but so does nature!
As I read old journal entries, I am amazed that years later my kids have sooo many traits they had as babies and toddlers. They are not blank slates! They come with their own set of unique attributes! It’s been fascinating to watch. Of course, I can guide them and help them grow the best way I know how, but what works for one kid might not work for another. (Unfortunately!)
Sometimes I catch myself wishing a certain kid had different traits, or weren’t so much this way or that way. But interestingly, I’ve seen that certain characteristics that seem like flaws or weaknesses, in certain situations, are actually strengths! And honestly, when it all comes down to it, there isn’t ANYTHING I’d change about my kids! I love them with ALL my heart, and I LOVE that they are different. I take them just as they are! One of my kids is obedient, quiet, careful. One is smart, ambitious, and honest. One is easy-going, gentle, and kind. One is loving, enthusiastic, and organized. One is passionate, competitive, and assertive. One is friendly, brave, and compassionate. And much more! I have a beautiful garden.
I pray I will help them discover who they are and what they can be. I pray I will learn the lessons their extraordinary spirits can teach me.
And WE are God’s garden! Imagine His love for us!
“He loves you with a perfect love. God sees you not only as a mortal being on a small planet who lives for a brief season—He sees you as His child. He sees you as the being you are capable and designed to become.” -Uchtdorf
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