Bonds of Faith Reach Through Time
During the long drive to our new home in January, we stopped briefly in Nauvoo. My husband and I were immediately struck by the feeling in that place! The spirit of Nauvoo is incredibly special, tangible, sacred. I felt encircled by the past and the people who lived there. Their whispers, their strength, their sorrow, their faith.
I felt the Saints there.
I think it’s interesting that as Nephi is lamenting about the wickedness happening around him, he reflects on the faith of his ancestors.
“Oh, that I could have had my days in the days when my father Nephi first came out of the land of Jerusalem, that I could have joyed with him in the promised land...
Yea, if my days could have been in those days, then would my soul have had joy in the righteousness of my brethren.” Hel. 7
Along with his namesakes, he talks of Moses, Abraham, Zenos, and more, testifying and rejoicing in Christ.
He longs to rejoice with them.
It’s special to rejoice with others who share your beliefs. That kind of bond runs deep. Connects souls. Past and present.
I felt it in Nauvoo, at other sacred sites, and at the temple. And I feel it every time I log onto Family Search. I feel joy at the faith & legacy of my ancestors.
My great-grandmother had many trials as a refugee after WWII, including a missing child.
From an interview with her, translated from German:
“In all this we have our Heavenly Father to thank! Our faith and trust in God helped us all through this difficult time”
“We prayed much to the Lord for strength and inspiration”
“All night long I pleaded to God that the Russian would not rape her” (he didn’t)
“When she awoke in the morning she prayed with many tears that the Lord would help her get out of the forest” (she did)
“Everybody can imagine the joy that was in my heart as she came into the room, wrapped her arms around me... All the patients in my room cried with me for joy” (her daughter was found!)
“We obtained wonderful experiences and testimonies because of the direction from our Heavenly Father! We are all thankful”
My “Oma-oma” died when I was 1 year old.
But I feel strangely close to her,
as bonds of faith reach through time
and through the veil.
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