Broken Tents & You Are Enough
We are on day 3 of camping, which is pretty big for us “non-campers.” (We love the outdoors, but are more... cabin people? AirBNB people?) But we are doing it! We are proving to ourselves we CAN be campers, we CAN!
However, the first night we got here, it was POURING rain. And THEN when we tried to set up our tent, we realized a pole was broken! Like, when you go camping, isn’t the tent a pretty important part?! We proceeded to jimmy-rig it and hoped for the best!
To our frustration, the tent collapsed like three times as we were setting up camp. Yeah. And that night as I listened to it rain, I was like, PLEASE let us just make it through the night without the tent collapsing on us!!!
And we did.
The tent STOOD. I think it hung on, just for us. Cause then it collapsed again that morning.
But our tent had done exactly what it was supposed to do. Did it look great? No. It looked like a sad, droopy, deformed thing. But did it do the one thing I asked it to do? The one thing it was meant to do? Was it enough to keep us dry and sheltered? Thank goodness, yes.
Don’t you feel like a flawed tent sometimes, barely hanging on while surrounded by nice, sturdy tents with fully functioning poles? But we ALL have our share of flaws. And despite that, we can still do what’s asked of us.
Corianton had some grievous sins! And his father’s counsel to him was a little different than to his “steadfast” brothers. Alma loves and cares for him! But he gets rebuked, taught, and called to repentance. And Alma obviously knows, despite Corianton’s weaknesses, that his son is STILL enough! He is STILL called to the work!
“O my son, ye are called of God to preach the word unto this people. And now, my son, go thy way, declare the word with truth and soberness, that thou mayest bring souls unto repentance, that the great plan of mercy may have claim upon them. And may God grant unto you even according to my words.” (Alma 42:31)
Guess what, he went! He did what was asked of him. He was enough, broken parts and all.
We are all extended mercy, if we want it. Because of that, WE ARE ENOUGH, broken parts and all.
And let’s hope the tent is enough for one more night...
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