I Will Cry Unto Thee
Alma taught the poor Zoramites, who had been cast out of the synagogues by the rich, that they actually could pray and worship anywhere. He reminds them what Zenos said- that God heard him in the wilderness, in the fields, in his house, in his closet, in the midst of the congregation, AND God heard him when he was cast out. That God hears those who seek HIM and NOT men. That God hears us in our afflictions. In our sincerity. And He is merciful!
“Therefore I will cry unto thee in all mine afflictions, for in thee is my joy.” Alma 33:11
It is beautiful that I can pray to a loving Heavenly Father, and He will hear me anywhere! I have prayed in some unexpected places, and have felt his peace in some unexpected places. I think of Joseph Smith’s “temple-prison,” the horrific Liberty Jail, and love Elder Holland’s words,
“You can have sacred, revelatory, profoundly instructive experience with the Lord in any situation you are in. Indeed, let me say that even a little stronger: You can have sacred, revelatory, profoundly instructive experience with the Lord in the most miserable experiences of your life—in the worst settings, while enduring the most painful injustices, when facing the most insurmountable odds and opposition you have ever faced.” (“Lessons from Liberty Jail”)
That is so powerful and beautiful to me. We can make ANY situation or place sacred and holy by calling upon His name, and I don’t know about you, but I find that incredibly powerful and reassuring. Prayer is an amazing gift!
“...Worship God, in whatsoever place ye may be in, in spirit and in truth...” Alma 34:38
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