Hear Him
I, along with every other parent, am wrestling with what to do with the kids this year for school. I go back and forth, back and forth, and as I seek for answers through prayer, I am frustrated. Why can’t I get like a CLEAR answer for once? Like, BOOM, “Thou shalt do THIS!! THIS is what’s best for your children, THIS path is what I want you to do, and you will NOT ruin your children with THIS PATH!!!” Alas, I’m not hearing that. Sigh.
Instead, I’m reading everyone else’s back and forth debates online, trying to get a read of what everyone ELSE is doing... cause I’m kind of a follower.
Personal revelation is hard sometimes, yo. And I’d like to get better at it. I really really want to “hear Him” a lot better than I do. Don’t get me wrong, I try, and I have definitely been guided throughout my life. But sometimes it’s just so dang subtle and I am weary of guessing and hoping a certain direction is right... after a few steps in, more clarity always comes, but it requires so much patience! And faith! Oh...kay, maybe that’s the point...
I guess what I wanna say is- I want to get better. That’s partly why I started this account, separate from the day-to-day/vacation log/holiday pictures account that I’m so good at. An account JUST for the spiritual. And I am forcing myself to write SOMETHING every day to get better at recording my own personal spiritual thoughts, so I can get better at LOOKING for that light every day, so I can practice putting the spiritual into words- solid, articulate (well, hopefully), words. Writing gives me clarity, and I have felt the Spirit whisper and confirm to me over the years whenever I have written truths from my heart. And as I read and remember them again down the road, I get to experience those feelings again.
I have my pros and cons with Instagram, I really do. But as I write in this account, I am hopefully giving myself just another chance every day to hear Him.
And hopefully I get an answer to that whole school question soon cause the school needs to know by July 31st...
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