The Power of God

We visited Niagara Falls a couple weeks ago. Everyone was excited except my 6-year-old, who sobbed on the way there! Poor kid was still traumatized by our canoe incident a few weeks ago (it tipped & he fell out). So when he found out we were going on a boat, he was terrified.

After a million questions (does the boat go fast? Does the boat go down a waterfall? Is the water deep?) we calmed him down. He bravely stepped on the boat and LOVED it all, afterwards declaring that it was “the best thing I’ve done in this world!”

Niagara Falls is incredible! It’s an adrenaline rush just standing next to it! You can’t help but feel awe at its power.

Funny how water can be feared and awed, a source of destruction and power.

Did you know the power plants at Niagara Falls have the capacity to output 4.9 million kilowatts of electricity- the ability to power 3.8 million homes?!

As a child, Nikola Tesla imagined harnessing the power of Niagara Falls. His dream came true when he designed the first hydroelectric power plant in 1895. This changed everything! Edison gave us DC (direct current), but Tesla gave us AC (alternate current), meaning electricity could now travel long distances, leading to the electrification of America. Because he recognized the power of water, he changed HISTORY.

While awaiting their deaths in prison, Nephi and Lehi witness the power of God! “Encircled about as if by fire,” their “hearts did take courage.” However, others were “overshadowed with a cloud of darkness,” bringing an “awful solemn fear.” Same place, same power, different experiences.

The clouds disperse as the others cry to the Lord in faith, and their fear is replaced with “joy which is unspeakable” as they witness the power of God! They saw the shining faces of Nephi and Lehi, the pillars of fire, the heavens opening, the angels! They felt the Spirit, spoke marvelous words, and heard God’s voice of peace! 300 lives were changed that day.

Do we recognize the power of God? Does it change us? Do we marvel or shrink at it?

“Every woman and every man who makes covenants with God and keeps those covenants... has direct access to the power of God.” Pres. Nelson
