Believing is Seeing
Seeing is believing. Isn’t it?
As Nephi preaches to the people and prophesies about the murder of the chief judge, we have three kinds of people:
-Those who believed without seeing. They knew all of Nephi’s words were true.
-Those who believed only after seeing with their own eyes Nephi’s prophesy was, indeed, true.
-Those who never believed, even after seeing. “Notwithstanding that great miracle which Nephi had done in telling them concerning the death of the chief judge, they did harden their hearts and did not hearken unto the words of the Lord."
We see these types of people, don’t we?
-People with amazing faith, who believe and follow the prophet, the scriptures, the Spirit, without question. They act in complete faith. They simply believe, and this exercise of faith allows them to “see.”
-People who wonder and doubt, who need to see some things with their own eyes. Who say IF this, THEN I will believe. And they do!
-People who, “notwithstanding so many evidences which ye have received... ye have rejected the truth.” It doesn’t matter what is laid in front of them- they are not ready to “see.” They do not understand.
I think sometimes I’m a mixture of all three, honestly! I think it’s normal to ebb and flow a bit according to circumstances. Faith is a work in progress. This life is a test! Sometimes I’m strong, and ready to help others who cannot see. Sometimes I’m weak, and look to others for light. Sometimes I just want to see first!
Maybe I’m like Thomas sometimes, who said after Christ’s resurrection, “Except I shall see... I will not believe.”
Then he beholds the resurrected Lord for himself.
Christ tells him, “Be not faithless, but be believing."
Thomas: “My Lord and my God.” ❤️
Christ: “Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.”
Seeing is believing. But it doesn’t guarantee lasting conversion.
Believing is seeing! It illuminates from within. It is powerful, lasting, prompts action, and leads to miracles.
“Faith is things which are hoped for and not seen... dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.” Eth. 12:6
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