How Oft Have I Gathered You
One time I was at my son’s baseball game with five little kids. The game had just ended when a gigantic hailstorm hit. I ushered the kids under the ledge of a nearby building where we huddled until it let up. I thought, maybe we can make a run for it to the van. So off we raced toward the parking lot, which now seemed MILES away.
No sooner had we started our little jaunt when the charcoal sky burst open again, worse than before. It was CHAOS! I was like, do we turn back?! NO no no, we are too far out now, just gotta keep going! We're getting more drenched every second, I'm running with a 2-year-old in my arms while trying to herd 4 other bodies, and they are all SCREAMING THEIR HEADS OFF as thunder shakes the ground and hail pelts us in the face, and the van is still SO FAR AWAY! I’m yelling over the noise, “Come on! Just follow me! Keep following me!!”
We FINALLY made it to the van, the kids scrambled into their seats in RECORD time, and I slammed the doors shut. The kids are bawling, soaked, but we are all safe and sheltered!
The other kids calmed down, but one of my little girls was crying, "I HATE THE WORLD!” “THAT WAS SCARY!” as well as this little gem, "Mom, it was ALL because of YOU!”
I'm sorry, what now? I said, "It's all because of ME?"
"YES! Because we went there and we were SCARED!"
I had to laugh! I’m like, first of all, I do not have that kind of power, and second, I was the one trying to PROTECT you! I was the one who led you to safety!
I feel Christ’s emotion when he says, “How oft have I gathered you as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and have nourished you” (3 Ne 10:4)
He wants nothing more than to gather us, care for us! He’s like, I am here! Just come to me, follow me!
Yet some did not. Three more times he laments with this hen analogy.
“How oft will I gather you as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, if ye will repent and return unto me with full purpose of heart.” (6)
As a mother, I would do anything for my kids! I just want them to feel loved, safe, and happy. This is what Christ’s sacrifice brings to us!
Return unto Him. His “wings” are always outstretched, waiting to take us in with perfect love.
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