Always On the Porch
Every single night for like a year now my littlest boy tells me, “I love you to the infinitieth power every day at every time." Then yesterday he came home from school with it written on the back of a worksheet. ❤️ I don't know where he got this saying, or where he learned the infinity symbol, but it is the sweetest! I mean, you can't really top the infinitieth power.
This same kid also informed me awhile ago, “If you ever kicked me out of the house, I wouldn't run away from you, mom. I'd just stay on the front porch." 😂 I mean, I’m not PLANNING on kicking anyone out, but good to know!
Can you tell he’s kind of a mama’s boy?
You know who else stays on the front porch after we kick Him out?
The One who was born in a stable because there was no room for Him at the inn.
The One who was mocked, scorned, humiliated, accused, betrayed, scourged, abused, put to death.
The One who taught LOVE, even your enemies.
The One whose message was and is rejected throughout history.
The One who was personally rejected.
“I came unto my own, and my own received me not.” 3 Ne. 9:16
The Son of God.
The One who saved us all.
Maybe we don’t mean to kick Him out... but do we nudge him out sometimes? Life is busy. And we forget our priorities.
But He will never leave us. He is always on the porch, on the other side of the door.
Telling us, “Come unto me.” 3 Ne 9:13
“Mine arm of mercy is extended towards you” (14)
“...He will not enter without invitation. We must come unto Him and allow Him to work His miracles...” Sister Bingham
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” Rev. 3:20
He loves us to the infinitieth power, every day, at every time.
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