Grand Lessons Every Minute
I just listened to the “All In” podcast episode with Randal Wright, and am totally & completely inspired. Maybe you’ve heard of his “3 word journal” idea, but this is a first for me, and it’s EXACTLY what has been on my mind for a couple YEARS now.
I used to blog all the time when my kids were younger, and I cherish those posts more than words can say! Over time, life got busier, and every post became just a catch-up post, losing the raw and real that only writing truly in the “moment” can bring.
I felt this voice whispering in my soul, “Erika... You’re missing it.” Meaning, missing those beautiful little slivers of wonder, pockets of joy, nuggets of amusement, enlightening lessons from every day life that you find when you look for them. Blogging about these things not only was my sanity in the craziness that having 6 kids in less than 8 years brings, but it kept my perspective of motherhood one of gratitude, entertainment, and true enjoyment.
I started this account to write more about God in my life and what I learn from the scriptures, and I’m amazed what it has brought me so far! I’m pondering the words of God more than ever before and have had many spiritual experiences. Posting on a public account makes me feel more committed to the cause somehow.
And I think I’ll add inspiration from a “3 word journal” (look it up, I’m telling you!) and tie in things from family life a bit more... like I used to on the old neglected blog.
Because man, kids grow up fast, and I already feel moments slipping by, moments I don’t want to forget! Rainbows fade, bubbles pop, and meaningful points in time are buried & lost... if not captured right then.
Anyway, just some rambling thoughts tonight as I think of this quote by Harvey Cluff:
“No intelligent person in youth or old age should merely drift along. Look the world squarely in the face, listen and learn...for there are grand lessons before you every minute.”
I’m not sure what grand lesson there is to be learned from my first grader proudly & emphatically announcing after his soccer practice, “I have a girlfriend!” but... it is a moment I don’t want to forget.
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