Be Baptized
When my second oldest was baptized, it started off great. We carefully got everything ready at the house for the gathering afterward and I even got all 6 kids nicely dressed with a couple minutes to spare!
Then we got to the church and I realized I’d forgotten the diaper bag. Ohh no.
Between my wriggly baby and my mischievous toddler who wouldn’t listen to a WORD I said, I spent most of the program out in the hallway. I managed to slip in to see my good husband baptize my son, but was right back out in the hallway chasing my runaway child. When I tried listening to the confirmation, I heard nothing due to naughty kids.
As I left for the restroom with the two crazies in tow, I could feel my eyes burning and I willed myself to stop the tears. But I couldn’t. I cried and cried in that restroom! I was like, Erika! PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER! I’m not like this! I deal with crazy kids all the time! Still I cried.
I felt like a failure! I was so sad & frustrated at not feeling part of what was supposed to be an amazing day. Plus my makeup was ruined, dang it.
As I sat there feeling sorry for myself, I realized something. It was not. about. me. It was not about perfect pictures, the food afterward, how clean my house was, how good (or awful) the kids behaved. That day was about the sacred ordinance my son received. He had a great experience and glowed with joy. THAT was what mattered.
After the people saw, felt, and worshipped the resurrected Christ, the first thing He does is give Nephi and others the power to baptize. Out of everything He could have taught, He taught about BAPTISM. He mentions it again and again.
I think it says a lot.
Why can’t we just say “I believe!” Why does it require an action, like baptism, to show God we are ready to take upon ourselves His name?
Because we are doers of the word.
Because Jesus Christ asked us to.
Because HE, who committed no sin, was baptized.
Because if we truly understood ALL that we receive when we make covenants with God, we’d see no matter how imperfect we feel, his promises are PERFECT & unfathomable.
“Ye must repent, and be baptized in my name... or ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God.” 3 Ne. 11:13
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