Weak and Simple
So we’re already in week 2 of the D&C and I haven’t gotten to my many week 1 thoughts! 😩 Truth is, I’ve been trying to write a post on a myriad of good topics from section 1- warnings, weak things breaking down the mighty, preparation, the Spirit ceasing to strive with man, a true and living church, the day of judgment speedily coming, walking in the image of God... and I just can’t seem to do it. In fact, I just spent hours, yep, hours writing a post that I just now deleted because I could NOT make it make sense.
Talk about frustrating! And I wanna throw my hands up and say I am JUST NOT GOOD at this...
But my nice husband tells me I’ve got to change my measure of success- that “success” is not a post on social media, but what I have gained personally from my time pondering the scriptures.
Ohhh. Great point, husband. And if I think of it that way, I have actually had amazing success tonight as I’ve studied. I’ve received such beautiful insights & understanding!
Which is why it’s so frustrating- because I tried & tried to explain it and articulate it, and I couldn’t do it.
Just being real.
I’m not sure I’m going to post these feelings of defeat... seems kinda pathetic. I know this is not what you were expecting to read, haha.
But maybe I should, in order to show that God is right... that the gospel IS “proclaimed by the weak and the simple” (D&C 1:23) and “commandments... [are] given unto my servants in their weakness” (24) 😉
I’m not a writer or a scholar or a scriptorian. Just a very imperfect mom (i cried twice today over kids 🙄) who desires to hear Him & bear record of Him in my life.
I’m TRYING to “hearken” & “listen” (there, now my photo DOES go with this post after all) because I love Him & believe in Him.
And I’m humbled that He speaks to average, everyday people. Like me.
The heavens ARE open. We get to gain our own truth.
Pretty awesome.
And deep down I know He believes in me. He doesn’t care how perfect my words are, just that I’m speaking at all.
So don’t worry, I’m fine, I’m gonna keep writing- it facilitates spiritual growth for me. It’s not always a seamless process, but I’m doing my best. Thanks for reading, truly. ❤️
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