Armour of Light
There was a time in my life I felt so confused about why things were happening. I felt betrayed by God.
I received a blessing in which I was blessed to "come out of the darkness" and into the light.
Little did I know it was just the beginning.
As things got worse, I bitterly wondered WHY. In my mind, I was doing everything “right.” I didn't deserve this! I had gone down a path I thought was RIGHT. If God knew it would lead to THIS, then WHY didn't He stop me?
Joseph Smith was also doing everything “right”- reading his scriptures, receiving promptings, actively seeking God. He went down a path (literally) that he thought was right- that we KNOW was right.
Still, he found himself surrounded by “thick darkness.” (JSH 1:15)
He was in the right place, at the right time, doing exactly what he should be doing.
Still darkness came!
But instead of succumbing, he doubled down, “exerting all [his] powers to call upon God to deliver [him] out of the power of this enemy which had seized upon [him]” (16)
And light came, “above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon [him]”
Trials can serve as ultimate catalysts, propelling us to God like never before.
Though I felt heavy, conflicted & troubled, I knew my Savior was the ONLY answer, the ONLY way. Satan did NOT get to dictate the direction of my life! I clung to the heavens like never before.
Not only did I make it through, but the darkness was replaced by the most beautiful, bright light, a light that “descended gradually,” but looking back, I’m blown away. The time I once thought God betrayed me was indeed working together for my good. If you’d have told me that, I don’t know if I would’ve believed it. But He knew. He believed.
It’s hard to think about that time, but when I do, I plainly & humbly see the love my Father in Heaven & His Beloved Son had for me personally.
This verse touched me as I thought of all this: “The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.” Rom. 13:12
Cast it off with all your power! Double down. Put on the armour of light. The darkness cannot & will not withstand.
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