Ask of God
“Ask of God.” How many times did Joseph Smith ponder that phrase before putting it to the test? Did he have any idea when he kneeled & spoke the desires of his heart the heavens would open? Did he have any idea his one question would change the world?
Over the last two days, two people in two very different circumstances asked me to pray for them.
I said of course I would. And then one of them responded “Thank you. Your prayers work a miracle.”
Whoa. I had to read it again. And again.
I wasn’t expecting that.
MY prayers? It was so straightforward, so genuine, so trusting.
How does she know my prayers can work a miracle?
Do I even have that kind of faith in my own prayers?
It can be hard to comprehend that we have direct access to God. Do we sell ourselves short of His power? I know I do.
I KNOW God is there & He loves me, undeniably! I believe in prayer! But sometimes I am still scared to ask for things! Because if it doesn’t get answered, what does that say about me?
Sometimes I’m like Jared, who often went to his brother & asked HIM to “cry unto” and “inquire of the Lord” (Eth. 1) for the people. My husband is REALLY good at prayer, so I’m always relieved when it’s HIS turn to pray... like I trust HE will get a better answer than me. Why do I minimize my own prayers?
The Bible Dictionary says:
“Prayer is the act by which the will of the Father and the will of the child are brought into correspondence with each other. The object of prayer is not to change the will of God but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant but that are made conditional on our asking for them.”
I love that! God WANTS us to ask for the desires of our heart! While He is not some genie granting us wishes that magically appear, He IS our loving Father & has blessings reserved for us if we just have the faith to ask! Of course they will be granted in His way & timing, but we shouldn’t be afraid to earnestly & specifically ask.
The brother of Jared was not afraid to ask. Joseph was not afraid to ask. Neither expected the magnitude of the miracles!
We must not be shy about prayer! It can work miracles. Even my prayers! Even yours.
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