We Rejoice in Christ
What can I say about my studies in the Book of Mormon this year?
I find myself overwhelmed with deep & raw gratitude for the spiritual growth I’ve felt this year. I committed to investing more time into REALLY studying & REALLY pondering & REALLY “hearing Him,”... & my tears are falling.
HOW on earth do I sum up & articulate my love & belief in the Book of Mormon? HOW do I explain my love & belief in my Savior & Redeemer?! As Ammon says, I cannot say the smallest part of what I feel!
More than ever, I KNOW Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I feel like I am not just worshiping Him from afar, but TETHERED to Him. I find myself at His feet!
I know that ALL good things come from HIM- not necessarily within my faith- but ALL good things, whether others acknowledge Him or not.
I know He truly SEES us. He HEALS us. He KNOWS us. He FORGIVES us. He wants the BEST for us! His grace is sufficient for ALL! We are ALL saved & redeemed! Saving ordinances help us gain EVERYTHING He has to offer, BUT- the telestial kingdom, the LEAST of the 3 degrees, IS STILL a degree of GLORY “which surpasseth all understanding” (D&C 76:89). Heck, there is a “spirit prison,” whose name is misleading- as it is THE place for second chances! EVEN after rejecting Him on earth, people get another chance! He gives us every chance He can to come unto Him. WHY? So he can bless us! His mercy is astounding.
I KNOW we have the fullness of His restored gospel & am grateful for the depth in which the Book of Mormon explains His atonement! It truly is another testament of Him!
I love ALL testaments of Him, & lately have felt such a sense of camaraderie with other Christians. I’ve studied a lot about the Second Coming lately, and the Anti-Christ IS COMING. Christianity is gonna be attacked like never before. We need each other! I say BRING IT. I am ALL IN.
“We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, we write” of Christ (2 Ne. 25:26). It’s no wonder my love for Him, for the prophets who boldly testified of Him, & for the people who sacrificed so much to follow him, grows so much when I read the Book of Mormon!
He is in every page.
And I rejoice, too.
This is beautiful. What amazing experiences you've had and no one can take them from you. You inspire me so much!