The Truth Abideth Forever
Years ago I bought cheap spray tan & thought excitedly: a few applications of this & my white legs will be a thing of sunless glory!
I smoothed the stuff on that night & went to bed. The next day was Mother’s Day, and of course it was a MAD RUSH getting the kids ready for 9 AM church. My husband had left earlier because he was speaking that day. I slipped on a knee length skirt, wrangled the kids into the van, & off we went.
We made it to the church parking lot when I glanced down at my legs... and DIED!!!! My LEGS! They looked TERRIBLE! Streaky, orangey, very obviously fake-tanned!! I was like, I CAN’T GO IN THERE LIKE THIS! But I couldn’t miss my husband’s talk! So I gathered the kids around me like little chicks (to hide my legs) walked in, sat down, & proceeded to nonchalantly rub down my legs with baby wipes.
All in all, I think it must have worked okay cause no one asked if I had a disease 😂
Kinda silly looking back at it (I never tried sunless tanner again), but think about it:
Fake ultimately cannot live up to REAL.
It may seem to hold up for awhile.
But it will not last.
And time will tell the difference.
God gives us real. God gives us eternal. He doesn’t get by on empty promises.
Satan’s substitutes are CHEAP & will NEVER live up to what God offers.
Satan offers the “world”... the promise of beautiful golden legs..
but REALLY is
“substance...that of an idol, which waxeth old and shall perish in Babylon”(D&C 1:16)
Like old streaky Cheeto dust!
Don’t trust him! He’ll say ANYTHING to turn you away from God! His tactics are clever. His lies are convincing. But don’t “exchange the priceless pearls of true happiness and eternal values for a fake plastic trinket that is merely an illusion” (Uchtdorf)
God’s words are “true and faithful”! His “promises... shall all be fulfilled” (37)
“Though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away... For behold, and lo, the Lord is God, and the Spirit beareth record, and the record is true, and the truth abideth forever and ever” (38-39)
God’s promises don’t come from a cheap bottle that can be wiped away. They are real! Trust Him!
The TRUTH & His LOVE abideth forever.
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