There Will I Meet Thee
Uprooting our family and moving cross country for no other reason other than we felt prompted to was not easy, and I couldn’t help but compare our experience to the Jaredites’ move.
While we didn't have to gather a bunch of flocks (Ether 2:1), we did gather all our things,
And while we didn't have to "lay snares and catch fowls of the air" (2:2), we did pack food,
And while we didn't have to build barges, we did prepare our vessels (2)— two vehicles stuffed to the brim! Oh, we prayed they’d make it!
And while we didn't carry fish or bees with us (2:2-3), we did carry our cat,
And while we didn't travel in the "wilderness,” (2:5) we did travel many miles of freeway in winter conditions,
And while we didn't pitch any tents (2:13), we did stay in hotels,
And okay, while our journey really was NOTHING like the Jaredites’ journey,
We DID "cry unto him whither we shall go" (1:38) just as they did.
The Lord DID hear us, just as he heard the brother of Jared. (1:40)
We WERE prompted to "go forth... into that quarter where there never had [our family] been." (2:5)
And the Lord DID "meet" us and "go before" us. (2:5)
"Thou shalt go... And there will I meet thee, and I will go before thee" (1:42)
It was a huge leap of faith! But we felt the guidance of His hand! We weren’t alone.
We may venture into the unknown (cue Elsašµ) but it is NOT unknown to Him!
God goes first! He meets us there! If we will just come.
It’s been almost a year since we embarked on this adventure. There were many tears shed, many adjustments made, and many questions asked. But there have been many amazing new memories made, new friendships forged, and faith & family strengthened!
I KNOW we are supposed to be here right now! That has been assured again and again! I KNOW if we keep doing our part to hear Him, we will be “directed continually by the hand of the Lord.” (2:6)
Who knows what the future holds! But no matter what happens, no matter where we go, God will go before us. He meets us there.
“He goes before us. He knows the future perfectly. He invites you to the work. He joins you in it. He has in place a plan... He has prepared the way for you.” -Elder Eyring
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