Why a 10-year-old?
Why a 10-year-old?
Ammaron tells 10-year-old Mormon, the same age as my 5th grader, to prepare to be a keeper of the plates! He tells him when and where to get them, to watch the people over the next few years, and to write down his observations.
What great faith to have in a child! But Ammaron knew exactly what he was doing! He knew Mormon was a good kid, a “sober” kid (or as the footnote suggests, “trustworthy”) and “quick to observe,” (or as Elder Bednar said, “prompt to watch and to obey”). And Mormon “remembered the things which Ammaron commanded [him]” (Mormon 1:5) and followed through with everything asked of him, despite horrible circumstances. He “tasted and knew of the goodness of Jesus,” (Mormon 1:15) and continued faithful for years while his people self-destructed all around him! We have the Book of Mormon because of many, but Mormon’s part was VITAL.
And it all started as a child.
It’s hard to wrap my head around until I start thinking of my own children.
They’re not perfect!
But- I get a front row seat into their successes & struggles, strengths & weaknesses. They are sincere in their desire to do what is right. They recognize goodness & truth. They are sharp & perceptive. They are just innocent enough to have that light of purity still within, but know enough of the world to choose what path they want to take.
I’ve seen them cry at scriptures, heard their sincere & simple prayers, and felt their easy & forgiving love.
I’ve been astounded at things they’ve understood, testimonies they’ve given, and courage to lead and stand up for what’s right.
So often they teach me!
Isaiah prophesied, “a little child shall lead them.” (Isa. 11:6)
I can’t help but imagine Mormon’s mother... her influence on him, her knowledge of what he had ahead of him. She probably knew him better than anyone. She helped prepare that 10-year-old boy. She loved that 10-year-old boy.
So, why a child?
“Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
“Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matt. 18:3-4
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