We Are One
At soccer, my son was THRILLED to see a couple kids from his 1st grade class on the opposing team. They smiled & waved before & after the game.
They weren’t wearing the same color. They weren’t rooting for the same outcome. They weren’t running in the same direction! But they were in the same class at school! And to these cute little kids, THAT, above all, is what mattered.
I loved the messages of unity throughout conference! I feel to the core THIS is what God wants us to know. We are ALL His children. Yes, the complexities we face are more than a soccer game. But ultimately we are in the same class with the same teacher. I wish there was more smiling & waving, humanity & friendship while playing the game of life.
William K. Jackson talked of the culture of Christ: “This culture is grounded in the testimony that our Heavenly Father exists, that He is real and loves each one of us... This culture espouses the concept of equal worth. There is no recognition of caste or class. We are, after all, brothers and sisters, spirit children of our heavenly parents—literally. There is no prejudice or ‘us versus them’ mentality in the greatest of all cultures. We are all ‘us.’ We are all ‘them.’ We believe that we are responsible and accountable for ourselves, one another, the Church, and our world.”
My girls are learning a song for (virtual) choir called “Sisi Ni Moja” by Jacob Narverud, which means “We Are One” in Swahili. I cry every time I hear it!
“We all laugh, we all cry, we all feel hunger, we all feel pain
We all love, we all hate, we all hope, and we all dream
We are one world,
one people,
and we all breathe the same
A tribe of many languages,
a group of many heartaches,
fighting for peace among the land
Heja, heja, sisi ni moja. Heja, heja, we are One
We all want, we all need, we all seek passion, we all seek joy
We all bruise, we all scar, we all fail, but learn to thrive
We are one world,
one people,
and we all breathe the same
In the darkness of the night
and in the glory of the morning,
we walk along the path and find our way
Now we stand here together and lift our hearts in song...
Heja, heja, sisi ni moja,
We Are One”
We are HIS.
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