Flow is Important- in Toilets & Our Lives
Years ago my son flushed some toys down the toilet. We called the best repairman we knew! My dad.
He snaked it, plunged it, put it in the tub to flush water through it, and a ball came out!
He reinstalled the toilet. But to our chagrin, it STILL wouldn’t flush! What.
He removed the toilet AGAIN, repeated everything he’d just done, and even stuck a wire hanger all the way through it! Nothin’!
Well, we got a new toilet. 🤷♀️
THEN we brought the old toilet outside and with GREAT anticipation smashed it with a hammer!
And wouldn’t you know, in the S-curve was a small, seemingly insignificant plastic orange!
That little clogged orange had completely destroyed the functionality of the toilet!
I realize comparing the flow of a toilet to the spirit in our lives is a little weird, but they’re both pretty important, and yes, I’m going there!
In Mormon 1 we read about such evil and blasphemy that the disciples were taken away, miracles and healing ceased, all spiritual gifts were gone, and “the Holy Ghost did not come upon any.”
Their connection with heaven was CLOSED.
“For the Spirit of the Lord will not always strive with man. And when the Spirit ceaseth to strive with man then cometh speedy destruction” (2 Ne. 26:11)
And what devastating destruction we see! These scriptures are some of the most heartbreaking, tragic, & painful to read!
I can’t even comprehend the dark emptiness.
The Holy Ghost is EVERYTHING to me!
Sometimes people put down religion because of such emphasis on “feelings.”
If they mean feelings unlike anything I can accurately explain and give justice to, then yes!
It is transcendent knowledge & truth in my soul. Light & clarity so powerful that I cannot deny it.
Faith in these “feelings” is the reason I am ALL IN.
It’s a beautiful thing to recognize this alignment with God through the Spirit.
You’d think I’d do everything to keep it!
But sometimes small plastic oranges get in the way and block the flow.
And sometimes it takes cracking yourself open to find the source. But our cracked selves can be fixed.
“As we are born again... the Holy Ghost sanctifies and refines our souls as if by fire.” -Elder Bednar
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