He Will Provide
There was no bread.
The first time Christ administered the sacrament to the Nephites, He commanded his disciples to go and get some bread and wine. (3 Ne. 18:1) So they did. I imagine they went quickly and grabbed the best bread they had!
But the second time, no one brought any!
“Now, there had been no bread, neither wine, brought by the disciples, neither by the multitude” (20:6)
Did the disciples look at each other and say, “Oh no! Why didn’t we think to bring bread?!” No matter the reason, there was a lack. And somehow, someway, Jesus produced bread.
“But he truly gave unto them bread to eat, and also wine to drink.” (7)
Christ KNOWS how to get bread- He fed 5000 people with only 5 loaves and 2 fishes & had 12 baskets left over! The Lord also said to Moses, “I will rain bread from heaven for you” (Ex. 16:4) and the people ate manna for days!
So if Jesus could make miracle bread, why did He make the disciples go and get some that first time?
Good question! I’ve thought a lot about it.
Yes, He can give us what we need right when we need it. But more often than not, it takes more effort on our part.
One time I sincerely and desperately had a question regarding my future. I asked Him to PLEASE tell me exactly what to do. A simple yes or no would suffice!
But He didn’t give it to me. In one of the clearest outpourings of personal revelation I’ve ever received, my mind opened and clarity poured right in. The answer was firm, “You don’t need to know that right now... but you will.”
The next couple years brought experiences that made the answer SO clear! That time was SO valuable for my growth & faith!
One way the Lord provides is taking what WE have and magnifying it.
He multiplied a young lad’s loaves. (Matt. 14:20)
He transformed the brother of Jared’s stones into light. (Eth. 3:6)
He filled Simon Peter’s nets with fish (John 21:6)
“They gave what they had to Jesus, and then He provided the miracle.” Michelle Craig
“The God of the universe will work within and through you, magnifying your humble efforts for His purposes.” Elder Uchtdorf
Sometimes He provides the bread.
Sometimes He tells us to go get it.
Either way, He will provide.
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