Faith in Prayer
I’m really trying to “redouble” my efforts in prayer, as Elder Ballard counseled, and while I’m probably closer to “re-quartering” my efforts, at least I’m trying.
This morning while on my way to meet a friend, I offered up a prayer out loud. Anyone else pray aloud while driving? This friend has some very difficult trials, and I’m trying to be more thoughtful and specific in my prayers, so I prayed that I’d know what to say to help and encourage her. I prayed to be an instrument in His hands.
As she told me of her struggles, I tried to be helpful. During our conversation, at one point she looked at me and said, “You are just nailing it in your words today!”
I immediately felt God in that moment!
Later, after making another comment to her, she told me with emotion that it was an answer to her prayer.
I’ve been thinking about it a lot, how simple my car-prayer was, but how sweet that I received a tender manifestation that it was answered!
You see, I KNOW how I hear Him! I LOVE seeking Him and hearing Him and feeling that spirit of truth! But... do I KNOW HE hears ME? And if I really knew it, wouldn’t I be praying more in the way it’s intended? If I really knew prayers made a difference, wouldn’t I do as Christ commanded, to not cease to pray in my heart? (3 Ne. 20:1)
And so, along with taking more time to pray, I’ve been asking, “Please help me to have more faith in the power of prayer.” Which seems silly that I, who has a solid testimony, need more faith in PRAYER, of all things, but this is something the Spirit is urging me to do. I’d asked, “What lack I yet?” And my eyes were opened.
I gained a little more faith in prayer today.
“At the very moment we say, ‘Father in Heaven,’ He hears our prayers and is sensitive to us and our needs. And so His eyes and His ears are now connected to you. He reads our minds, and He feels our hearts. You cannot hide anything from Him. Now, the wonderful thing is that He will see you with eyes of love and mercy—love and mercy that we cannot fully understand. But love and mercy are with Him the very moment you say, ‘Father in Heaven.’ So a moment of prayer is a very, very sacred moment.” -Elder Uceda
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