We Cannot Disregard The Divine In The Creation: Day 11
On the 11th day of Christmas, Christ gave me… Creation. I’m a self-proclaimed Nature Gusher. Oh, it’s just what it sounds like. I gush at nature. At trees, rivers, lakes, sunsets, landscapes, flowers, rocks, mountains, you name it, & I gush like I’ve never seen it before! 😆 I can’t help it. I find LIFE & SPIRIT in nature. Being under the heavens brings me back to myself like nothing else. I feel like Alma, who proclaimed: “All things denote there is a God” (Alma 30:44) “We cannot disregard the divine in the Creation.” (Pres. Nelson) “For by [Christ] were all things created, that are in heaven, & that are in earth… (Col 1:16) “By the Son I created them, which is mine Only Begotten” (Moses 1:33) I think of Moses’ incredible vision where he “beheld the world upon which he was created… & all the children of men… he greatly marveled & wondered” (8) I BET HE GUSHED. It took several hours for his strength to return. He said, “Now, for this cause I know that m...