Our Direction Is More Important Than Our Speed
“I’m just horrible! I shouldn’t be in this family!” That’s what my 8-year-old yelled a few weeks ago after getting in trouble. I cried to my husband: I’m gonna fail her, I’m gonna push her away, she’s gonna end up hating me. And I prayed to God: Help me be a better mom to her! Help me to have the right balance of compassion & discipline! Give me patience & instruction! I can’t do this alone. And a memory came to mind when she was 2. It had been another rough day. I prayed to feel better. I pleaded for reassurance I was doing something right. Well, nothing big happened. I remember that evening I was still feeling blah. WHERE WAS MY SIGN? Did God even hear me? Then that 2-year-old came up to me & told me, "Mama bed.” And she put me to bed & crawled in next to me. I went with it! We closed our eyes, peeked, & laughed. It was the most hilarious thing ever. (I WAS tired.) We did it over & over. Finally, she fell asleep. As I listened to her breathing next ...