Search Diligently in the Light of Christ
I am SO grateful for the accounts of darkness in The Book of Mormon.
I know, sounds bad.
But reading the accounts of wickedness, rejection, contention, persecution, deceit, anti-Christs, secret combinations, & apostasy reassures me that IT HAS ALL HAPPENED BEFORE. Since the beginning of time. The rejection of scripture, prophets, sacred covenants, the gospel, & even Jesus Christ himself is NOT NEW.
It’s happened again & again.
I’ve read about it all year long, this pattern of darkness & light.
The same pattern today.
So when I look around at the darkening shadows & mourn at the broken bonds of faith, I’m comforted. Our day was foreseen! This is the pattern.
It is a day of sifting. Of choosing. No more fence sitting.
Elder Holland said, “We are witnessing an ever greater movement toward polarity. The middle-ground options will be removed from us as Latter-day Saints.”
It’s gonna be rough as the chasm deepens between believers and non-believers, dividing friends & family. It’ll be far from popular or easy on this side. We are called willfully ignorant. Fools. Followers. Blind. I get it. I’ve delved into all of it. Eyes wide open. And come through the other side unscathed. Cause you know what triumphs? The gifts of the Spirit. I know too much. I’ve felt too much! It can’t be taken from me!
“The Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil... I show unto you the way to judge... search diligently in the light of Christ that ye may know good from evil” (Mor. 7:16,19)
No wonder Pres. Nelson is pleading- you will not survive spiritually without the Holy Ghost! Increase your capacity to receive revelation! He begs us- learn how to hear Him! He urges us- study covenant Israel! The time is Now!
So as darkness abounds, as faith crumbles, as more turn against religion, I am reassured. Because I do not stand alone.
I stand with the Saints of the past. I stand with the Saints now.
It’s happened before.
It’s been prophesied.
People will “judge...evil to be of God” and that which is “of God to be of the devil.” (Mor. 7:14)
This darkness has happened before. But SO HAS THE LIGHT!
So we know:
God will prevail.
Good will always beat evil!