
12 Days of Christ Day 10: He Hath Filled The Hungry

12 Days of Christ: Day 10 While pregnant, Mary testified of Christ: “He hath filled the hungry with good things” (Luke 1:53) We took the family out to eat last night for a birthday (ahem, mine!) & we ordered chips & salsa as an appetizer because it’s one of my most favorite things! Well, our food took awhile, but no worries, cause our waitress was really on top of that chips & salsa. She just kept it coming! Good thing, cause we were starving! After like our 4th basket (hey, we are a family of 8) another waiter saw our chips getting low, so he took it upon himself to bring us 2 more baskets. Score!  A minute later, our waitress brought 2 MORE baskets & was surprised to see we already had some, but she just put hers on the table too, so yes, there were 4 full baskets of chips & salsa on our table, along with some half eaten baskets. Livin’ the life! One of the kids asked, “WHY do they keep bringing us so much chips & salsa??” Maybe cause we kept eating them l...

12 Days of Christ Day 9: Pondered Them In Her Heart

12 Days of Christ: Day 9 Sooo, who said these had to be before Christmas, anyway? Or New Year’s? Must… finish… what I started… 😉😅 “But Mary kept all these things, & pondered them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19) We don’t know many details about what Mary went through, but we do know she took time to ponder. She had just birthed the Son of God. I’m sure there was a lot to think about! I remember right after having my first baby being in absolute awe & SO incredibly happy. I was a mom! But… I also felt like I’d been run over by a TRAIN. OVER & OVER. It was like 3 in the morning. The nurse showed me a couple things & said, “ok, you got that?” I said, I think??!! And then she LEFT me & my husband alone with that tiny fragile human! I was like, WAIT WAIT BACK UP THE TROLLEY, I have no idea what I’m doing & you’re LEAVING ME?! It got real REAL FAST. I was responsible for that beautiful life. Could I do it? Would I be good enough? Who was this little person? Who would she ...

12 Days of Christ Day 8:

  12 Days of Christ: Day 8 “On earth peace, good will toward men.” (Luke 2:14) On Christmas Eve we read the nativity story to the kids. They were comfy in their new PJs & full of excitement & Christmas sweets. Just before they headed off to bed, I had the idea to sing a song together: Silent Night. I sat at the piano & the family gathered round. As their voices rang out I thought- ok! This could be a new tradition! It was so special. Until. One kid accidentally did something to offend another kid right in the middle of the song. OF COURSE. Glares were exchanged, snide remarks made, & by the time the song was over they were both steaming mad at each other. Which made ME mad, & I let them know it! Way to ruin a special moment, children! Sigh. Well, my good husband, more patient & mature than me, talked gently to those two kiddos. Pride disappeared, apologies were made, & hugs were had. Then he suggested they sing Silent Night again- just the two of them. T...

12 Days of Christ Day 7: Glory to God in the Highest

12 Days of Christ: Day 7 (Better late than never, eh!) “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, & saying, Glory to God in the highest” (Luke 2:13-14) We were getting ready to watch the first session of General Conference back in October when the little neighbor kid came to ask my 8-year-old son to play. My son begged to have him over to watch conference with us. I was hesitant. Moving here from Utah has definitely been different, as we are the religious minority now! What would his parents think? I told him he could stay, but there would be people from our church on the TV talking about Jesus & stuff, & it might get boring, & he could leave whenever he wanted. He was so excited to stay! They quietly played with magnets & cars, & once in awhile would stop & watch the screen. They were both so reverent! Suddenly his friend said, “I’ll be back!” I thought- ok he’s done, haha. To my surprise, he came right back- with ...

12 Days of Christ Day 6: Lying In A Manger

 12 Days of Christ: Day 6 “And she brought forth her firstborn son, & wrapped him in swaddling clothes, & laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.” (Luke 2:7) The inn was full. Did Joseph & Mary look at each other & think- well… this is not ideal! What now? When they approached the lowly stable, did they think- really? how can we bring forth the Son of God here, of all places? This was not part of the plan. Why didn’t we make a reservation at the inn a week ago!? (JK) I don’t know what they really thought, but I’m sure they felt God with them & worked with Him to make sure His Son made it here safely. They knew whatever happened, it would be ok.  And it was. O, holy night. I’m curious what Mary & Joseph think of the way we tell their story? The details we’ve filled in for them? The many different nativity sets we display? When they laid baby Jesus in the manger could they have known people all over the world would have makesh...

12 Days of Christ Day 5: Blessed Art Thou Among Women

12 Days of Christ: Day 5 “And [Elisabeth] spake out with a loud voice, & said, Blessed art thou among women, & blessed is the fruit of thy womb.” (Luke 2:42) Mary- a young maiden, engaged, never known a man. Elisabeth- “well stricken in years,” (1:18), married, barren.  Different circumstances, ages, life experiences. Until an angel’s visit changes everything. The impossible is made possible as they both find themselves with child. Not just any children- but spirits prophesied to change the world! Spirits meant to come down only a few months apart. Spirits eternally connected in purpose, one preparing the way for the other. My heart is tender as I think of Mary & Elisabeth! I love that the angel tells Mary her cousin is also pregnant! I love that she went “with haste” (39) to visit her! How comforted she must have felt knowing she wasn’t alone in this miraculous conception & divine calling! We don’t know how well they knew each other, how long it’d been since they’d...

12 Days of Christ Day 4: We Have Seen His Star In The East

  12 Days of Christ: Day 4 “Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, & are come to worship him” (Matt. 2:2) She got in my car. I was giving her a ride to church. We were strangers. She told me she has spent most of her life not trusting people- mostly men- due to much childhood trauma.  She also told me she has spent most of her life not trusting religion- due to terrible past experiences. She had thought, if there was a God, why did all these bad things happen? So it was a surprise to her that when the missionaries knocked on her door, she immediately felt she could trust them. It didn’t make sense. She thought she’d try out church. Then she thought she’d try out more lessons. I was able to sit in on a few, & I saw something incredible. That negative, skeptical woman who doubted God, religion, her very worth… she changed before my eyes. I watched her mind blown by the plan of salvation. Her realization that God knew her & l...