12 Days of Christ Day 5: Blessed Art Thou Among Women
12 Days of Christ: Day 5
“And [Elisabeth] spake out with a loud voice, & said, Blessed art thou among women, & blessed is the fruit of thy womb.” (Luke 2:42)
Mary- a young maiden, engaged, never known a man.
Elisabeth- “well stricken in years,” (1:18), married, barren.
Different circumstances, ages, life experiences.
Until an angel’s visit changes everything.
The impossible is made possible as they both find themselves with child.
Not just any children- but spirits prophesied to change the world! Spirits meant to come down only a few months apart. Spirits eternally connected in purpose, one preparing the way for the other.
My heart is tender as I think of Mary & Elisabeth! I love that the angel tells Mary her cousin is also pregnant! I love that she went “with haste” (39) to visit her! How comforted she must have felt knowing she wasn’t alone in this miraculous conception & divine calling!
We don’t know how well they knew each other, how long it’d been since they’d seen each other, but we do know that upon Mary’s greeting, Elisabeth IMMEDIATELY recognizes who Mary’s carrying!
“Whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.”(43-44)
Through the Spirit manifesting to John the Baptist in her womb AND to her, she KNEW Mary was the mother of God.
The faith of these women! Suddenly having unique, holy, & overwhelming responsibilities ahead, they accepted their divine roles despite being outside social norms. How beautiful that they could validate & support each other! What bond must have forged between them as Elisabeth bore her witness of the Son of God before He was even born!
Throughout my life, there have been times I thought I was alone. But then a tender mercy would come, proving I was not.
God did not leave Mary alone. He prepared the way for her to be understood & reassured. We don’t know how everyone else reacted. But she had Elisabeth. Joseph. Shepherds. Simeon & Anna at the temple. Wise men.
And as she watched her beloved son die, she was surrounded by others who loved Him, too.
She was not alone.
Neither are we.
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