12 Days of Christ Day 9: Pondered Them In Her Heart
12 Days of Christ: Day 9
Sooo, who said these had to be before Christmas, anyway? Or New Year’s? Must… finish… what I started… 😉😅
“But Mary kept all these things, & pondered them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19)
We don’t know many details about what Mary went through, but we do know she took time to ponder.
She had just birthed the Son of God. I’m sure there was a lot to think about!
I remember right after having my first baby being in absolute awe & SO incredibly happy. I was a mom!
But… I also felt like I’d been run over by a TRAIN. OVER & OVER.
It was like 3 in the morning. The nurse showed me a couple things & said, “ok, you got that?” I said, I think??!! And then she LEFT me & my husband alone with that tiny fragile human! I was like, WAIT WAIT BACK UP THE TROLLEY, I have no idea what I’m doing & you’re LEAVING ME?!
It got real REAL FAST.
I was responsible for that beautiful life. Could I do it? Would I be good enough? Who was this little person? Who would she become?
I knew the second she was born that she held my heart in her itty bitty hands.
I was a goner. ❤️ There was no going back after feeling a love like that.
I felt that love 5 more times, feeling all the feels after each new soul joined mine.
When Mary finally held baby Jesus in her arms all those months after that first visit from the angel, I’m sure it got real.
The shepherds went to tell the world… & she sat there quietly pondering. Processing? Preparing? Knowing with such love, such miracles, such wonder, there would be such sacrifice. Such loss.
Such great faith needed.
She looked at that baby & knew who He was. Who He would become. Why He was there. What He would do for us all.
This New Year’s Day, a day of reflection, change, & resolution, I also ponder. I think of that baby & who He is to me. Why He came. Who I can become because of Him.
Bracing myself for the challenges these last days continue to bring. Desiring to strengthen my relationship with Him. Show Him I am willing to speak His name, to serve as He did.
When life gets real, I want to trust Him.
When life gets real, I want to choose Him.
He holds my heart in His hands.
Because I give it to Him.
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