His Sacrifice Shall Be More Sacred Unto Me Than His Increase
This year my 12-year-old joined the cross country team. He’d never really run before, so I was curious how it’d go!
Well, it was hard. He was tired! Sore! And missing out on hours of play time!
But I watched him commit.
I watched him get stronger.
I watched him build endurance.
I watched his time improve again & again, a few seconds at a time.
I watched him finish 9 races. Some with blazing temps. Some with small streams to run through. Big hills to climb. Ditches to hop over!
I watched my non-runner son become a runner.
Every finish made me wanna cry! (ok I did)
I was so proud of him.
Not because he was the fastest.
Not because he smashed any records.
Not because running was easy for him.
No. Because of his efforts!
He fought for every finish.
And he knew it. I’d hug that sweaty, red-faced boy & he would just beam! He knew he’d done what he could.
When Oliver Granger had fallen short of a task, the Lord said of him, “When he falls he shall rise again, for his sacrifice shall be more sacred unto me than his increase” (D&C 117:13)
Think about that❤️
Our SACRIFICE, our EFFORT, is MORE sacred than our success.
In a world that puts SO much weight on “success” & outward validation, that is huge! Even in the church we set up these checklists for sainthood & feel guilty for not being perfect!
But that isn’t how God works.
Our prophet said, “The Lord loves effort.”
Joy D. Jones said it is “our commitment to progress” that “brings eternal rewards.” Not the AMOUNT of progress- just the commitment to progress!
Elder Holland said, “The great thing about the gospel is we get credit for trying, even if we don’t always succeed.”
Are we committed? Are we trying? Are we growing?!
Sacrifice doesn’t look like 1st place trophies or peer approval. It looks like putting a step in front of the other. Rising when we fall.
It looks like a willing mind & heart.
Looking up & ahead, not behind or to the side.
Putting God first!
Life is not a race to be the fastest. It’s about personal progress! And cheering each other on along the way.
Like devoted & slightly fanatical cross country moms.
“Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, & forever.” (Holland)
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