Bind Up The Testimony

Hi! I’m still here! And though there are some unintended dry spells, I really do cherish this small account because each little box reflects pieces of my testimony. ❤️ They are personal snapshots of deep thoughts, study, & heartfelt conviction… compacted into 2200 characters. šŸ˜Š

I love voicing where I stand. I love putting things in writing.

In fact, writing is kinda BINDING… wouldn’t you say?

D&C 109:46 says, “Therefore, O Lord, deliver thy people from the calamity of the wicked; enable thy servants to seal up the law, & bind up the testimony, that they may be prepared against the day of burning.”

That phrase, BIND UP THE TESTIMONY, struck me.

It’s found in the Bible & the Book of Mormon as well. Isaiah said, “And many among them shall stumble, & fall, & be broken, & be snared, & be taken. BIND UP THE TESTIMONY, seal the law among my disciples. And I will wait upon the Lord.” (Isa. 8:15-17)


What does it mean?

Well, we know the Lord BINDS the brokenhearted. (Isa. 61:1)

He seeks the lost, brings back those driven away, strengthens the sick, & BINDS the BROKEN. (Ezek. 34:16)

He BINDS the breach of His people, & heals their wounds. (Isa. 30:26)

He asks us to BIND mercy & truth about our necks & on the tables of our hearts. (Prov. 3:3)

He asks us to BIND His commandments upon our fingers. (Prov. 7:2-3)

He says BIND [yourselves] to act in all holiness. (D&C 43:9)

His word is BINDING when we do what He says. (82:10)

He has the power to BIND that which is on earth to heaven. (Matt. 16:19)

So to me, BINDING is pretty serious business. BINDING your testimony is SECURING. GUARDING. FASTENING TIGHTLY. 



In this last conference, Elder Bednar said, “BIND [yourself] to Him through the covenants & ordinances of His restored gospel.”

And Sister Cordon said, “As we BIND ourselves to Him through covenants & ordinances, our lives are filled with confidence, protection, & deep & lasting joy.”

And Elder Perkins said, “The key is BINDING yourself to the Savior by keeping the covenants you have made with Him.”

Covenants & ordinances.

Bind up your testimony. AKA, Batten down the hatches, folks! And wait upon the Lord.
