Wholly Dedicated Unto The Lord
As a 16-year-old visiting Nauvoo, I sadly stared at the crumbling remains of the temple. It had been built with sacrifice & faith, & then abruptly abandoned by the driven-out Saints. It was soon destroyed by arson fire, & if that wasn’t enough, a tornado took it down shortly after.
It was stripped of its strength, beauty, & purpose for over 150 years.
Yet there I stood in front of the incredible Nauvoo temple just a few weeks ago. There I did temple work with my husband & 3 of my children. There it is today, standing tall from the ashes of adversity, rebuilt from William Weeks’ original drawings- which were discovered in a “chance” meeting with some of his ancestors, who then felt strongly they needed to donate the blueprints to the Church.
I also recently stood in Carthage Jail, a building quite different than the temple; however, the same powerful spirit! But is it such a surprise? The missionaries told us something I won’t forget: the Church did not acquire the site of murder, of mobs, of evil as a sad reminder of the tragedy that took place there. No- Carthage Jail is a place of hope! Of triumph! What? Yes! The death of Joseph did not stop what he restored, not by a long shot. The gospel of Christ moved forward, as did the people dedicated to following Him!
The Savior still leads the Church.
The priesthood keys are still on the earth.
Joseph Smith is still the prophet of the restoration.
“Millions shall know Brother Joseph again.”
Carthage Jail was not the end!
The Nauvoo temple & Carthage Jail both stand as beautiful symbols. I thought about myself & those around me. Even though bad things happen, it doesn’t mean all is lost. It is what I love most about the gospel! It helps us grow & change, rebuild & rededicate. Things will always seek to destroy us. The rains will come down! Floods will come up! Our house may even be washed away… But we can rise again. We can stand again. God is our creator, our builder, our foundation, our way.
It’s why I am trying to dedicate my life to Him. Build my foundation on Him. Completely, fully, wholly.
“And this house shall be wholly dedicated unto the Lord from the foundation thereof” (D&C 94:12)
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