Be Still And Know That I Am God
I was walking to the school cafeteria when I heard my name on the intercom. I had a message in the office to call home. My oma had died. My beloved oma. When I got home, I ran to my mom. We held each other & cried. I’d never heard her cry like that before. She said, “My mommy is gone!” That day my opa came to live with us. He was meek, humble, & loved making people laugh. He also suffered from dementia. So sometimes he’d ask in his thick German accent, “Where’s oma? Why am I alone?” It was heartbreaking. One day he asked me. I said, “She’s… gone.” “At home?” Uhh… “At home up there.” I pointed up. “I have no frau? I am alone?” I can still hear his sorrow. “No, you’re not alone! You have us! And oma is waiting for you.” Solemnly, knowingly, he repeated, “She’s waiting for me.” Then I turned from him & bawled. I felt grief deep in my chest. For him. For me. For my mom. It was too much! I’d heard stories of people who flipped open their scriptures & found exactly...