Sacred Joy

I’m feeling behind on this account, even though this isn’t school & there is no due date. πŸ˜† But Come Follow Me readings forge on! So- a quick sum-up of phrases that caught my eye I’ve missed writing about:

“Continue in steadfastness” (I’m trying!)

“Zion shall flourish” (I wanna be there!)

“I am in your midst” (He is!)

“Chase darkness from among you” (God is light!)

“Fear not... for you are mine” (Such comfort!)

“I will give unto you a pattern in all things, that ye may not be deceived” (Patterns empower!)

“Forsake the world” (So hard!)

“If you will receive wisdom, here is wisdom” (I’ll take it!)

I also read about William W. Phelps, who left his job as an editor to join the church. Of the Book of Mormon he said, “From the first time I read this volume of volumes, even till now, I have been struck with a kind of sacred joy”

Sacred joy! I love that!

He desired to “quit the folly of [his] way, & the fancy & fame of this world, & seek the Lord & his righteousness” 

And he did! He served in many ways. And when mistakes were made & he was excommunicated- more than once!- he humbly returned each time.

He said, “I am as the prodigal son, though I never doubted or disbelieved the fulness of the Gospel. I have been greatly... humbled... I have done wrong & I am sorry.”

Joseph Smith replied, “It is true, that we have suffered much in consequence of your behavior... Had it been an enemy, we could have borne it... inasmuch as long-suffering, patience, & mercy have ever characterized the dealings of our Heavenly Father towards the humble... I feel disposed to copy the example... Come on, dear brother, since the war is past, for friends at first, are friends again at last”

Sacred joy!

After the prophet’s death, William Phelps wrote the hymn “Praise to the Man.”

Sacred joy underlies all aspects of my testimony. It was there on my wedding day & births of my babies. It’s there in spiritual conversation. It’s there in scripture. It’s there in repentance & change. It’s there in forgiveness. It’s there as I ponder my Savior’s Second Coming. It’s there as I think of seeing those I love after this life. It’s there as I choose & feel solid footing in my faith.
