He Sees Us Worthy Of Rescue
True story: I was once trapped between two herds of bison. On my bike.
When I lived in Utah, some friends & I loved waking up early to bike around Antelope Island- a small island surrounded by the Great Salt Lake.
We had the road to ourselves & saw all kinds of animals. Including bison.
One day we found ourselves facing a herd of bison ALL over the road.
3 years biking the island, & we’d NEVER seen them like this. Antsy, pacing, facing us head on. Unpredictable.
We'd also never HEARD them like this! Grunting, growling, loud, agitated.
Blocking our only way home.
BEHIND us, another herd was making their way across the road.
A few weeks earlier a runner had spooked a bison & ended up in the hospital.
Bison can run 35 mph.
So yeah, we didn’t feel very safe facing them in our bike helmets & spandex!
I prayed in my head- Help us be safe! Then my friend said out loud, "We need a car! Heavenly Father, please send us a car!"
Imagine our shock & relief when a minute later a truck came around the bend, maneuvering around the bison.
He saw us & asked if we’d like a ride past the bison!
We threw our bikes in the back & scrambled in, adrenaline pumping.
He informed us it was mating season, & the bison were especially aggressive & dangerous. OK!
When he dropped us off up the road, we couldn’t thank him enough!
We talked about it for weeks.
We hadn't seen a single car on the island the WHOLE time. Yet one appeared when we needed it most. A TRUCK, able to fit us & our bikes, bringing us out of our trapped situation & back on the path that led us home.
Here on earth, we are in a trapped situation. Trapped between sin & the presence of God. Trapped between the person we are & the person we want to be. Trapped between justice & mercy. Trapped in our trials.
But God sent His son.
Who died for us.
To rescue us & bring us back on the path that leads home.
I have felt the power of His atonement.
I have felt His rescue.
Over & over.
Hard things don’t always disappear.
But He takes us through.
There’s no place he can’t reach.
“He sees us worthy of rescue... He will carry you home.” (Uchtdorf)
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