God Is Among Us
My phone died over the weekend. Like, DIED died.
Almost immediately I got anxious. Because CERTAINLY hundreds of people were trying to get ahold of me, & NOW THEY COULDN’T!
How were they gonna know I wasn’t ignoring them? How was I gonna check FB, Insta, email, GroupMe, Marco Polo, Messenger? How were my husband and I gonna coordinate our 6 kids’ soccer practices that were ALL on Saturday?
I tried EVERYTHING to bring it back to life. But, nothing.
Then on Sunday, after already feeling cut off from the world, the power went out for a few hours! So not only did I have no phone, but no power or internet.
Somehow I survived. And went to church.
At church, I thought about God. I know, what?😉
I thought about my communication with Him.
I wondered: When I feel far from Him, when the connection is “unstable,” do I feel the same sense of urgency to get it working again as I do my phone?
When I feel I can’t hear Him, am I as anxious about what I might be missing as I do without my phone?
Am I doing everything I can to keep in contact with my Heavenly Father? Is His number familiar to me? Do I check His notifications? Do I strive for the world to “like” me, or do I turn my eyes to Him who knows my true worth?
The beautiful thing is, God doesn’t require a phone, an app, or electricity. He just needs our willing hearts, our righteous desires, our humble efforts.
Our bended knees.
The only thing stopping communication between me & Him is... me.
“In our daily life it is our paramount task and blessed opportunity to encounter God.
...God is among us” (Uchtdorf)
We get to encounter God❤️
“I am in your midst & ye cannot see me; But the day soon come that ye shall see me” (D&C 38:7)
He is so much closer than we know!
“The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.” (Rom. 8:16)
To know Him is to know ourselves.
“He be not far from every one of us: For in him we live, & move, & have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring” (Acts 17:27-38)
I got a new phone, & a bunch of old messages came through.
His messages are waiting to come through too.
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