He Is Risen!
He tried to tell them what would happen.
“But they understood not” (Mark 9:32)
No wonder the apostles got all bent out of shape when Mary anointed Him with expensive oil. She knew.
But they did not quite understand.
They fell asleep in His darkest hour. His friends, His followers, His confidants- they fell asleep!
They did not quite understand.
And then Judas. WHY JUDAS WHY? FOR WHAT. 30 pieces of silver he could not even bring himself to spend, 30 pieces he tried to give back, realizing the magnitude of what he’d done? 30 pieces thrown down in the temple just before his sad fate. Betrayer of His Friend, betrayer of His Savior, Betrayer of his own soul.
He did not quite understand.
Then those who “sat daily with” Him in the temple came at Him with weapons to take him. And “all the disciples forsook him, & fled.” (Matt. 26:55-56)
They did not quite understand.
Peter then denied even knowing Jesus. 3 times.
He did not quite understand.
Pilate said “I find in him no fault at all” (John 18:38), his wife also warning him! But he ultimately “washed his hands” of it. (24)
He did not quite understand.
Those who mocked, spit, smote, whipped, speared, nailed, killed...
How could they do it?! HOW.
“They know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34)
Coming upon the empty tomb, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, & Mary “were much perplexed” until the angels told them HE IS RISEN. (Luke 24)
They begin to understand.
They tell the apostles! But “their words seemed to them as idle tales, & they believed them not” (11)
Even seeing their Lord in the flesh- “their eyes were holden that they should not know him” (16)
They Behold.
“Behold my hands and feet, that it is I myself” (39)
“Then opened he their understanding” (45)
“Ye are witnesses of these things” (48)
Witnesses of RESURRECTION.
Witnesses of THE IMPOSSIBLE.
WE have the benefit of looking at things in hindsight. It already happened. Jesus overcame death!
They did not understand at first. I might not have either!
But WE know this story! We can understand, now.
He is risen!
And like the centurion, we can humbly proclaim: “Truly this man was the Son of God.” (Mark 15:39)
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