You Have Heard My Voice & Know My Words
We finally watched the “Friend to Friend” church video to the primary children. It was adorable.
As my youngest finished up the drawing activity, he said, “Mom, do you know why I made the light from the window a BRIGHTER yellow?”
“Because that’s JESUS watching him pray,” he answered.
I loved that.
Because while there are times heaven seems far away, sometimes I feel just like that little boy in the drawing surrounded by bright yellow light.
Sometimes it’s at church, in my bedroom, out in nature... but sometimes it’s while running on a treadmill.
A couple days ago I was running on said treadmill. I’d turned on someone else’s playlist (sick of all my songs!) & not five minutes in Lauren Daigle’s beautiful song “You Say” came on. I’d heard it plenty of times, but the second it began tears came to my eyes. I felt a rush of emotion so strong part of me wanted to curl up in a ball & just cry it all out. I kinda laughed at myself- like, what is happening?! But I knew. I knew God was reaching out to me in that moment.
I was the boy in the drawing. Except I was a girl. On a treadmill. Sweating. And crying.
My Savior WAS watching me, aware of me, sending down LIGHT upon me.
I ran and ran, listening to several more songs by people who did not share my specific religion, but shared my FAITH in CHRIST. I felt so much joy & love. It was the best run I’d had in a long time. I even went an extra mile.
You might say, well, it was the pretty music & feel-good lyrics.
You might say, well, it was the endorphins. (Except my previous run I wanted to die, so...)
You might say, well, it’s in your head, God is not aware and prayers are not heard.
Good thing I know what I know. What millions of others, past & present, know.
“And I, Jesus Christ, your Lord and your God, have spoken it.
These words are not of men nor of man, but of me; wherefore, you shall testify they are of me and not of man;
For it is my voice which speaketh them unto you; for they are given by my Spirit unto you...
Wherefore, you can testify that you have heard my voice, and know my words.” (D&C 18:33-36)
I’ve heard His voice. I know His words. I feel His light. His BRIGHT yellow light.💛
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