Write By The Spirit Of Inspiration
Writing: Keeping Erika sane since 1991.
Well, mostly sane 😉
I have parents who are diligent journalers. They inspired me to keep a journal back in 3rd grade & I’ve written in some form or another since. Over the years writing has given me clarity & perspective, helped me process & problem solve, & remember things I’d for sure forget. And while there are definitely things I’ve documented that should have been best left NOT documented (like all of jr high?😬), for the most part, SO MUCH is a treasure to me, especially as I began writing about motherhood.
They are my “book[s] of remembrance.”
The importance of record-keeping & remembering is in the scriptures over & over, & is it any surprise it begins clear back with Adam & Eve?
“And a book of remembrance was kept, in the which was recorded, in the language of Adam, for it was given unto as many as called upon God to write by the spirit of inspiration.” (Moses 6:5)
WHAT should we write? A book to remember!
WHO should write? Whoever calls upon God & wants to write!
HOW should we write? By the spirit of inspiration!
Ok so not all my writing was written in the spirit of inspiration- some was more like the spirit of anger, sadness, frustration, twitterpated-ness (I was kinda boy crazy)- BUT threaded throughout my journals is ME becoming who I am today, spiritually. I honestly wrote my questions & doubts, but also honestly wrote many spiritual experiences that, once written, could not be denied or rationalized away. I am so grateful I have written of faith, of revelation, of God’s love & hand in my life! I wrote of struggles, but overcame. I wrote of regrets, but learned from them. I wrote of weaknesses, but faced them in raw & real ways. I am so grateful I can look back & see gospel truths made manifest in my life through the good & bad, through my teens & college & early marriage & early motherhood.
To today.
Writing has helped preserve my faith & root me to the gospel.
“The spiritually defining memories from our book of life are like luminous stones that help brighten the road ahead, assuring us that God knows us, loves us, & has sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to help us return home.” -Neil L. Andersen
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