I Am A Child Of God
My son went on a caving trip a few weeks ago. He was nervous about sleeping in a cave (I was nervous for him!), so I was anxious to hear about it when he got back.
My tired & muddy boy survived! He had a great time exploring the cave! For hours! And then his cute 14-year-old face lit up as he told me about coming back OUT of the cave. He exclaimed, “It was SO beautiful! Everything looked so bright. It was just so beautiful!”
The contrast was undeniable.
Coming out of darkness is a beautiful thing.
Moses 1 is one of my FAVORITE chapters of scripture. I LOVE the raw, real, contrasting experience Moses had with God, then with Satan, then with God again, back-to-back-to-back.
After Moses’ amazing spiritual experience, OF COURSE Satan’s first trick is to challenges WHO HE IS. “Moses, son of man, worship me.” (12)
Moses is not fooled for a second. And he looks at Satan & says, Ummm who are you?!!
Best response ever. ๐
“Who art thou? For behold, I am a son of God, in the similitude of his Only Begotten” (13)
And he’s like, where is THY glory? I couldn’t even LOOK at God’s glory without being transfigured- & I can see YOU just fine…
“I can judge between thee & God” (15)
Again, ๐๐ฅMoses!
“Get thee hence, Satan; deceive me not” (16)
But Satan is Satan. And is persistent. When Satan rants & raves at Moses’ response, Moses becomes afraid! But much like Joseph in the grove struggling with Satan preceding his vision, Moses draws upon God’s strength with all his might & commands Satan to leave in the name of Christ.
Til he finally leaves.
Coming out of this darkness, Moses lifts his eyes to heaven & is filled with the Holy Ghost. Light comes again.
When Satan attacks who I am, when he tries to make me question my spiritual experiences, when he attempts to deceive & intimidate… he does not understand: I KNOW TOO MUCH. I know light & goodness! I can judge between him & God.
Who are YOU, Satan? I am a child of God.
“It is given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil… that ye may know with a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night. For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil” (Moroni 7:15-16)
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