Shall We Not Go On In So Great A Cause?

This last summer we took our kids to church sites in Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, & Illinois. We had one last place on our list, the place closest to us- Kirtland, Ohio- & finally checked it off this last week! 

Visiting these historical places while studying the D&C has been awesome. It’s become more real to me. I’ve never understood the D&C as much as I do now. I’ve taken more time to study it than I ever have. I feel fortunate to have so many resources from which to study. I’m grateful for the many incredible podcasts with historians & scriptorians & others who dive headfirst into the details & documents & journals of the early church, sincerely looking for facts & truth & objectivity. 

And how amazing is it to have so many writings from Joseph Smith himself, to be able to go straight to the source & see that he knew & loved God, like, REALLY knew & loved God! The revelations & doctrine he received & taught were so deep & different than anything else in the Christian world at the time.

Standing in these sacred historic places was so meaningful to me. The extraordinarily difficult struggles & growing pains, the confusion & disappointments, the humanity & divine, the miracles & faith, the sacrifice & stalwart strength that occurred there…all leading to the millions of present faithful Latter-day Saints trying to follow Jesus Christ.

I think Joseph’s words (penned while hiding from his enemies) apply today:

“Brethren [& sisters], shall we not go on in so great a cause? Go forward & not backward. Courage… & on, on to the victory! …”

The work DID move forward. It still does!

From our prophet today:

“The Restoration is a process, not an event… I love you, dear brothers & sisters. These truths I know: God, our Heavenly Father, wants you to choose to come home to Him. His plan of eternal progression is not complicated, & it honors your agency. You are free to choose who you will be—& with whom you will be- in the world to come!

God lives! Jesus is the Christ! This is His Church, restored to help you fulfill your divine destiny.”
