Hold On Thy Way
Once upon a time there was a guy who went around teaching the “word of God,” but in REALITY was “bearing down against the church,” aka SOUNDED good, but= false doctrine.
He said people should try to be “popular.” Like him.
He said it didn’t matter what you did in life- everyone was gonna be saved anyway.
People liked him & gave him money.
Meet Nehor, the Nephite social influencer.
Now meet Gideon. A man of faith.
They crossed paths & Nehor “began to contend with him sharply.”
But Gideon “withstood him, admonishing him with the words of God.”
Go, Gid!
Nehor did not take it well. He drew his sword & killed Gideon in cold blood.
Nehor was tried for his crimes & put to death. But it was too late. Priestcraft spread through the land.
As well as persecution of believers.
“Now this was a great trial to those that did stand fast in the faith; nevertheless, they were steadfast & immovable in keeping the commandments of God, & they bore with patience the persecution which was heaped upon them.”
Steadfast & immovable!
And “they began to have continual peace again, notwithstanding all their persecutions.”
Peace through persecutions. Trials. Unfairness. HOW?
They were steadfast & immovable.
Jesus. His gospel. His power. His love. His peace.
What other explanation is there?
What other explanation is there for Joseph Smith to continue on despite his persecutions? His trials? His unfairness?
What other explanation is there for him to come out of Liberty Jail a changed man, a better man, a fearless man?
“O God, where art thou?” he’d cried.
Well, he found Him in that temple prison. He found Him again & again throughout his life. To his death.
He knew his purpose. He knew God! Come what may!
There will always be Nehors!
We will have our Liberty Jails!
But God told Joseph & God tells us, “Hold on thy way”!
❤️Hold on thy way❤️
It’s all for our good. Do we trust Him?
“The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he?
…Fear not what man can do, for God shall be with you forever & ever.”
References- Alma 1, D&C 122
(Photo from my visit to Liberty Jail this past summer)
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