Infinitieth Power
Every single night my 6-year-old tells me, "I love you to the infinitieth power every day at every time." It's been going on for at least 6 months now. Every night. I don't know where he got that saying, but it is so sweet. I mean, you can't really top the infinitieth power. He is the most tender-hearted, compassionate boy. He has special magical powers-- whenever I hug him I can feel any tension melt away. Tension I didn't even know I had. I mean, there's something magical about hugging ALL my kids, don't get me wrong, but I think it's cause he's my baby. I'm holding onto every last baby thing about him! Good thing he is such a snuggly, sweet, calming mama's boy. He tells me he loves me all day long. He tells me stuff like, "I'm so glad I'm in this family." "I'm so glad you're my mom." He also told me today, "If you ever kicked me out of the house, I wouldn't run away from you, mom. I'd just stay on the front porch." Haha! All righty then! Good to know! I told him I'd hand him his big cardboard box to live in. JUST KIDDING I told him I'd never kick him out.
So yeah, he makes me feel like pretty much the best mom ever.
And then there's his two sisters just older than him whose fighting makes me feel like, oh, yaknow, a less-than-stellar mom. (Speaking of kicking kids out of the house... JUST KIDDING, AGAIN!) It makes me crazy. One is the Ultimate Button Pusher, and the other one is the Ultimate Reactor. So, hand-in-hand and we've got quite the pair. It's been this way since they were small. And never fails, when the Button Pusher (I hate labels, but that's just what I'm gonna call her for a second!) comes to me after her sister has tattle-taled (again) she always has this, like, smug look on her face, like she knows EXACTLY what she did AND she kind of enjoyed it. Makes me crazy. But the Reactor REALLY REACTS. And earlier today they both had asked to put on my makeup because they were dressing up for fun (they're 7 and 9, it's just for fun, don't judge me) so they are squabbling at each other with spidery-mascara eyes and bright pink lipstick in their "fancy clothes." And one is rolling her eyes while one is BAWLING because "SHE IS SO MEAN!" and what am I doing? Well... trying not to laugh because her mascara is running ALL over her face and it feels like an episode of The Bachelor. And when I say trying not to laugh I mean okay I actually did laugh a little bit. (It did not help the situation.) Does that make me a bad mom?
Anyway, they DO get over things eventually and they CAN play well together. Right now it's 10:00 at night and I heard them giggling so I went to say goodnight and they are laughing like crazy because they are pretending to be in a movie and acting out scenes and they tried to explain what they were laughing at, but I didn't get it cause I guess you had to be there. It had something to do with "cat dogs" (instead of hot dogs) and pink toes...
Then they said, "I think we are starting to get along better!"
Awww. Now if only THAT would last to the infinitieth power.
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