
Showing posts from 2023

12 Days of Christ Day 10: He Hath Filled The Hungry

12 Days of Christ: Day 10 While pregnant, Mary testified of Christ: “He hath filled the hungry with good things” (Luke 1:53) We took the family out to eat last night for a birthday (ahem, mine!) & we ordered chips & salsa as an appetizer because it’s one of my most favorite things! Well, our food took awhile, but no worries, cause our waitress was really on top of that chips & salsa. She just kept it coming! Good thing, cause we were starving! After like our 4th basket (hey, we are a family of 8) another waiter saw our chips getting low, so he took it upon himself to bring us 2 more baskets. Score!  A minute later, our waitress brought 2 MORE baskets & was surprised to see we already had some, but she just put hers on the table too, so yes, there were 4 full baskets of chips & salsa on our table, along with some half eaten baskets. Livin’ the life! One of the kids asked, “WHY do they keep bringing us so much chips & salsa??” Maybe cause we kept eating them l...

12 Days of Christ Day 9: Pondered Them In Her Heart

12 Days of Christ: Day 9 Sooo, who said these had to be before Christmas, anyway? Or New Year’s? Must… finish… what I started… 😉😅 “But Mary kept all these things, & pondered them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19) We don’t know many details about what Mary went through, but we do know she took time to ponder. She had just birthed the Son of God. I’m sure there was a lot to think about! I remember right after having my first baby being in absolute awe & SO incredibly happy. I was a mom! But… I also felt like I’d been run over by a TRAIN. OVER & OVER. It was like 3 in the morning. The nurse showed me a couple things & said, “ok, you got that?” I said, I think??!! And then she LEFT me & my husband alone with that tiny fragile human! I was like, WAIT WAIT BACK UP THE TROLLEY, I have no idea what I’m doing & you’re LEAVING ME?! It got real REAL FAST. I was responsible for that beautiful life. Could I do it? Would I be good enough? Who was this little person? Who would she ...