He Restoreth My Soul
In an effort to keep me motivated, I set a goal to cross 12 finish lines this year. I’m up to 8 races š š Some have gone better than others, but in every case I finish giving it all I’ve got, sweaty, exhausted, depleted, looking for water & the special finish line snacks (& MAYBE a porta-potty š)
The BEST was after a super hard, super hot half marathon- they were handing out Wendy’s chocolate frosties at the finish š„³ I THINK I HEARD THE HALLELUJAH CHORUS. NOTHING tasted better in that moment! And just like that, I felt rejuvenated & restored. LIFE WAS GREAT AGAIN.
“Come & hear, all ye that fear God, & I will declare what he hath done for my soul.” (Psalms 66:16)
What hath He done for my soul? So much more than a frosty! But do I declare it? I need to do better.
Truly, in those times of struggle, exhaustion, numbness, helplessness, unworthiness…
“He restoreth my soul” (Psalms 23:3)
He’s there handing out bananas, granola bars, energy gels along the way… He is my sustenance, my pick-me-up, my boost… He is at the finish with FROSTIES.
Yeah I went there. Spiritual frosties, baby.
Let’s go back to Josiah for a sec- I LOVED reading about Josiah.
King Josiah’s people were rebuilding the temple when they find a LOST BOOK of scripture. When they present it to Josiah, he reads it, & he MOURNS. He realizes they haven't been living how they should! The ways of the true God had been forgotten! After this guilt & sadness, he then ACTS. Josiah reads the words to the people & in a powerful moment of unity they covenant to follow God again! And they do! (2 Kings 23)
They physically BROKE DOWN all the false idols.
Rebuilt their faith.
Restored their souls.
All because he read some scriptures.
His spiritual frosty.š
What false idols do I need to destroy?
Am I taking the right sustenance along the way?
What’s been forgotten? What do I need to rebuild?
I’m not perfect. I fall short. But let me declare what Christ has done for my soul: HE RESTORES IT. Again & again. It’s what His atonement is all about. Rebuilding, restoring, repenting.
Ready for the next race.
Ready for the next frosty.
“O taste & see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8)
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