All Are Alike Unto God
Since she was a little girl, my 16-year-old has brought all sorts of critters & bugs into the house to care for them.
This was no exception.
She gently laid it in a soft, warm place.
She carefully fed it every couple hours- milk from a paintbrush.
She listened to it squeak & watched it sleep.
Then, after 36 hours, it died in her hands.
And she cried.
She took it outside to bury it. I watched her tears from the window, my heart tender for my sweet girl weeping over the tiny life of a rodent.
I saw God in it.
We recently visited Utah & went to the Church History Museum where artwork for the 12th International Art Competition is on display. The theme is “All Are Alike Unto God,” & I was touched by many pieces.
One drawing caught my eye called “Gathering Under His Wings” by Melanie Dugan.
It features a hen with some… interesting animals under her wings.
The plaque beside it says:
“In the scriptures, the Lord compares Himself to a hen wanting to gather her chicks (Luke 13:34). Dugan has included more animals under the hen’s protective wings—the porcupine, skunk, shrew, spider, snake, rat, mole, & cockroach—to represent those who are sometimes rejected by the world but are loved by God. ‘The Lord wants to gather us all.’”
When we feel forgotten, rejected, undeserving, unwanted, God sees us differently.
“The Savior’s mortal ministry was indeed characterized by love, compassion, & empathy. He did not disdainfully walk the dusty roads of Galilee & Judea, flinching at the sight of sinners. He did not dodge them in abject horror. No, He ate with them. He helped & blessed, lifted & edified, & replaced fear & despair with hope & joy… He seeks us & finds us to offer relief & hope.” (Uchtdorf)
We MATTER to Him.
Each life. Each breath. Each heartbeat.
“God holds us in the palm of His caring & compassionate hands.” (Uchtdorf)
Or under His outstretched wings; Room for all.
“The worth of souls is great in the sight of God” (D&C 18:10)
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