Reaches My Reaching
My scripture study has been less than stellar lately & I don’t have any recent deep personal insights, to be honest. The month of May is crazy. Life is a roller coaster.
So many good desires. Failing at most. Can’t seem to get it together.
Last week halfway through our stake conference meeting, I realized I was not getting much out of it. I was drowsy. Disengaged. Disappointed.
I prayed right then. “Please help me get something out of this. I know I should have been more prepared. Maybe it’s not too late?”
I didn’t expect much.
But to my surprise, there it was. Not a moment later. I felt it. WHAT CHANGED?
Not the speaker. Not the subject. Not the setting.
It was actually there all along.
I just opened the way to receive it.
And when we sang the hymn: “Where Can I Turn For Peace?” the 3rd verse hit me:
“He answers privately,
Reaches my reaching
In my Gethsemane, Savior & Friend.
Gentle the peace he finds for my beseeching.
Constant he is & kind
Love without end.”
I’d NEVER noticed that phrase before.
My eyes filled with tears as I realized- YES. Between the peace & chaos, the good intentions & failures, the to-do lists & distractions, the ups & downs… when I TRULY make an effort, ANY effort, to REACH for Heaven, for Holiness, for Him, HE REACHES BACK. He reaches my reaching. He meets me where I am, no matter how undeserving I feel.
All week long I thought of that phrase & all week long I noticed each time I stretched the slightest bit, the Spirit was ready & willing to respond. The smallest things set off spiritual moments. REAL & TRUE & POWERFUL & PERSONAL spiritual moments.
My week was less than perfect. I didn’t spend hours on my knees or in my scriptures. I wasn’t particularly charitable. I yelled at my kids.
We don’t have to be perfect. But we don’t have to be passive either.
When I chose to act, He was at the ready.❤️
Reached my reaching.
Pres. Nelson told us:
“Does God really want to speak to you? Yes!”
“He will lead & guide you in your personal life if you will make time for Him in your life—each & every day.”
“Seek & expect miracles.”
And God tells us: “Draw near unto me & I will draw near unto you” (D&C 88:63)
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