Fear Not, Stand Still, & See the Salvation of the Lord
Stuck at the seashore.
The enemy behind & deep waters ahead.
“Entangled in the land, the wilderness hath shut [me] in.” (Ex. 13:3)
What do I do?
Lately I am definitely feeling the “bigger kids, bigger problems,” & I have REALLY been missing the days when everything was fixed with a popsicle. Or a bandaid. Or a timeout.
When mommy could kiss it better.
Parenting is no joke. The responsibility is amazing & terrifying at the same time. One minute I’m a natural, the next I’m completely out of my element.
It’s felt very heavy lately & I feel like I’m drowning. Or like I’m walking a tightrope, & the way I handle things right now is gonna make or break the future. Such a delicate, crucial balance. What if I mess up? What if I miss something? How can I be more deliberate? How can I be the best mom I can be for my kids?
How do I not fail them?
Those beautiful, incredible, imperfect kids… they’re everything.
And the words spoken at the seashore sink in my soul:
“Fear ye not, stand still, & see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day… The Lord shall fight for you, & ye shall hold your peace.” (Ex. 13:13-14)
Fear not.
Stand still.
He fights for you.
Then the Red Sea parted.
I know that sometimes the seas are parted right in front of us. The clear path! Right there!
But I know that sometimes there is no clear path ahead. Sometimes we must “walk to the edge of the light, & perhaps a few steps into the darkness, & you will find that the light will appear & move ahead of you.” (Harold B. Lee)
I’ve seen both paths in the last few weeks. Seas parting! God’s power so clear.
And some stepping into darkness, unsure, in anguish, waiting for the light.
And it comes.
Am I those Israelites in the wilderness? Their murmurings, their immaturity, their forgetfulness?
Yes. I am like them.
But as Moses pled for his people in their weakness, Christ pleads for us.
I don’t know what lies ahead. My babies are not babies anymore. I knew these heartaches & heavier struggles would come. Am I prepared for this?!
I’m trying not to fear.
Trying to stand still.
The path will appear.
And I will fight for them.
The way God fights for us.
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