Certainly I Will Be With Thee
There was no burning bush.
But like Moses, the Lord had asked me to do something I was NOT looking for or particularly wanting to do… ever.
UNLIKE Moses, I was not asked to, ya know, bring the Israelites out of bondage. I was asked to fulfill a church calling.
But LIKE Moses, I was apprehensive. Ok, I was terrified.
Just as Moses asked, “Who am I that I should go unto Pharoah, & that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?” (Ex. 3:11), I agonizingly wrote in my journal: “What do I have to offer? What does the Lord see in me? What do I bring to the table here?”
And UNLIKE Moses, I cried about it for days. Maybe he did though… 🤔😉
And LIKE Moses, who brought up the reasons why he WOULDN’T be good at this, “They will not believe me” (4:1) “O my Lord, I am not eloquent… I am slow of speech, & of a slow tongue” (10), I also thought of EVERY reason why I’d be bad at my new calling.
But LIKE Moses, the Lord reassured me, “Certainly I will be with thee” (3:12)
And I knew it to be true, because He’d been with me countless times before.
Once I wound down my pity party, I thought about the apostles who “straightway” followed Christ after he asked them to. They dropped what they were doing & followed him. Their lives were changed forever. Because He could make more out of them than they ever could themselves.
Well, days passed, weeks, & months. And I found myself doing what I had been terrified to do. Somehow, I was doing it. I was blessed with my own “Aarons,” & saw small miracles along the way. I saw a side of myself I didn’t know was there. I saw weaknesses turn into… well, maybe not strengths, but not such big weaknesses 😊 I did what I could. I did it because I loved God. And I was ABLE to do it because HE LOVED ME. He sustained me. And I was changed.
So yes, there was no burning bush. I’m not even CLOSE to Moses- so this comparison is silly. But his questions & self doubt are endearing, humanizing, & relatable. And if God chose Moses, who thought himself so ill fit for the job, we can see that God can also choose us to accomplish, well, the impossible.
Cause certainly, God was with him. Certainly, God is with us.
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