The Heavens Weep
They had arrived! Zion was established! A people pure in heart! A City of Holiness! Though wickedness surrounded, this beautiful pocket of righteousness & love was SO amazing it was gonna be taken right up into heaven!
Definite points for God’s team!
And yet, God was not satisfied.
He could not ignore the “residue.” (Moses 7:28)
In fact, He wept over them.
Enoch did not understand. “How is it that the heavens weep…?” (28)
Really though, “How is it that thou canst weep…? (29)
I DON’T GET IT! “Thou hast taken Zion to thine own bosom, from all thy creations, from eternity to all eternity… how is it thou canst weep?” (31)
God answers WHY: “They are the workmanship of mine own hands… I gave them their knowledge… gave I unto man his agency… & also given commandment, that they should love one another… choose me, their Father, but behold… they hate their own blood.” (32-33)
I created them. Gave them everything. Taught them to love each other. But they choose hate. They choose to turn away from me.
God knows better than anyone what they are losing. He knows better than anyone what misery they will suffer. He knows better than anyone what could have been.
“Wherefore, for this shall the heavens weep” (40)
Because He deeply loves ALL His children, He feels for ALL His children.
Then, “Enoch knew” (41)
And he wept, also.
With “bitterness of soul,” he “wept over his brethren.”
“I will refuse to be comforted,” he said. (44)
But God says, “Lift up your heart, & be glad; & look.”
What does God show him?
His Son.
From His crucifixion to His Second Coming to the end of the world as we know it. Enoch sees the flood of righteousness & truth that will cover the earth in the last days. He sees the gathering of Israel & the return of HIS city & the reunion of HIS people in the New Jerusalem! He “saw the day of the righteous, the hour of their redemption; & received a fullness of joy” (67)
I think he realized it was gonna be ok.
God wins.
But He also weeps. For us. With us. And then “wipe[s] away all tears from [our] eyes” (Rev. 21:4)
And He waits. For His prodigal children to embrace His greatest gift to us, His Son.
I am grateful for a compassionate God.
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