
Showing posts from February, 2022

Let There Be No Strife

I’ve been reading scriptures for most of my life & never have I heard of, let alone cried at, this small story: Abraham loved his nephew, Lot. A lot. (Just a little Bible humor there) But they were different. There was strife between them. They & their herdmen could not dwell together in peace. And so, Abraham said to him, “Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me & thee” (Gen. 12:8) Something must be done. “Separate thyself, I pray thee, from me” (9) Abraham, a peacemaker & loving uncle, gives Lot first choice of land, & Lot takes the better side. And “they separated themselves the one from the other” (11) I’ll do my thing; you do yours. Lot packs up & pitches his tent toward Sodom- he eventually ends up living there. Abraham packs up & pitches his tent in his new land & builds an altar to the Lord. Yes, clearly each had different priorities. Space = good. Boundaries = good. Protecting personal peace = good. And yet. When war ensues & Abraham...

I Have Found Thee

I feel pretty good about the fact that out of 6 kids, I’ve only ever lost 2 at Walmart. And only ONE of them required a Code Adam, so, #winning 🤦‍♀️ #terrifying 
In the case of my then 3-year-old, she had taken off looking for Barbies. She solemnly explained later: “I was looking fow you, & I was cwying because I was so sad because I wasn't founding you, & I was looking fow you."  I told her, "And I was looking for you! I was so happy to find you!" She smiled, "Uh-huh! And I found YOU!"
Already a follower of righteousness, Abraham "sought" the blessings of his fathers, "desiring" great knowledge. Then GREATER knowledge & to be a GREATER follower of righteousness. Not one to settle, is he?
 Despite a less-than-perfect upbringing & other hardships, he SOUGHT. He DESIRED. GREATER things. No excuses!
 And the Lord responds in kind.
 “Abraham, Abraham, behold, my name is Jehovah, & I have heard thee..." (A...

Come Into The Ark

As they watched the floods rise around them, Noah & his family must have found such refuge in the ark they’d built. They were safe. With each other. The other day my daughter “accidentally” (it’s questionable) sprayed her little sister with silly string. They got in a fight that ended with one yelling, "I hate you! I wish you weren’t my sister!" 😬 The Sprayer Of The Silly String found me & my husband & told us what happened. She buried her face in me & sobbed, “I wish I were a better sister!” My husband then told her a story. When he was a teenager, he & his big brother Bry got in a pretty bad fight. He doesn’t even remember why, but he’d never been so mad at his brother! He went to his room all riled up! Then something unexpected happened. The anger left. He felt a rush of love & gratitude for his brother. He wrote him a heartfelt letter of apology & left it in his car to find in the morning.  They made up. They were both… changed. They never fou...

The Heavens Weep

They had arrived! Zion was established! A people pure in heart! A City of Holiness! Though wickedness surrounded, this beautiful pocket of righteousness & love was SO amazing it was gonna be taken right up into heaven! Definite points for God’s team! And yet, God was not satisfied.  He could not ignore the “residue.” (Moses 7:28) In fact, He wept over them. Enoch did not understand. “How is it that the heavens weep…?” (28)  Really though, “How is it that thou canst weep…? (29) I DON’T GET IT! “Thou hast taken Zion to thine own bosom, from all thy creations, from eternity to all eternity… how is it thou canst weep?” (31) God answers WHY: “They are the workmanship of mine own hands… I gave them their knowledge… gave I unto man his agency… & also given commandment, that they should love one another… choose me, their Father, but behold… they hate their own blood.” (32-33) I created them. Gave them everything. Taught them to love each other. But they choose hate. They choos...